

Apac DLG hands over Motorcycles to extension staff

The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer/Apac Mr. Muboki Paul advises the Extension staff to guard the Motorcycles they received and cautioned them against reckless usage saying it was procured to improve service delivery not only at the Production Department but the entire District.

This communication was made during the time of handing over the four motorcycles to the extension staff at the Department of Production & Marketing today Friday 31/5/2024 at the District Headquarters.

Apac District Political & Technical Officials in Masindi for a council study tour

Apac District Political team led by the Leader of Government Business and Technical led by the Chief Administrative Officer on Tuesday 23rd April, 2024 traveled to Masindi District Local Government for the Council study tour.

The leaders’ visit to Masindi was to benchmark on the series of programmes or sectors to improve service delivery i.e Education, Finance, Leadership & Governance and Micro-scale irrigation system being supported by Ugift.


Apac releases the 2023 PLE results with Ibuje Sub County still maintaining its performance

Ms. Joan Apio, Deputy Resident District Commissioner/Apac today 2nd February, 2024 officiated over the Official release of the 2023 Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) results for Apac District.

The PLE results were recently released by the Uganda Examination Board (UNEB) on Thursday 25th January, 2024.

Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification sensitization meetings in Apac

Monday November, 27th to Friday December 1st, 2023, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development together with GIS Transport Ltd conducted Community sensitization meetings in preparation for the implementation of Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification (SLAAC) under Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project-Additional Funding (CEDP-AF).

OPM gives the copy of National Risk & Vulnerability Atlas to Apac leaders

By Bongonyinge Felix

Communication Officer/Apac

The Officials from the Office of the Prime Minister visited Apac District Local Government to disseminate the highlights on Risk Management on the National Risk and Vulnerability Atlas in Uganda and hand copies over to the District Officials in a meeting which took palce at the Planning Unit Boardroom, Apac District Headquarters.

Apac commissions the Micro-scale irrigation demo site


By Bongonyinge Felix-Communication Officer/Apac

As part of the Government efforts towards improving Agricultural productivity through provision of funds for the Micro scale irrigation in the District, Apac District Local Government has commissioned the UGIFT micro scale irrigation demo site.

Hon. Nelson Okello advise Apac Officials to properly us the 1 billion road fund money

During the District Roads Committee meeting held on Tuesday 22nd August, 2023 at the Planning Unit Boardroom, Hon. Okello Nelson, DRC-Chairperson and the Member of Parliament for Maruzi North Constituency advised District and Municipal Officials to use the 1 billion Road fund money carefully.

While chairing the meeting, Hon. Okello said the money has come with a guideline and it is for road rehabilitation but not opening new roads.

Apac gives out 82 Ox-Plough to farmers

District Chairperson Ikomba Asanti Odongo talking to the farmers

Apac District Chairperson, Ikomba Asanti Odongo on 25th August, 2023 advised farmers to take Agriculture seriously to provide food security in the District during the distribution Ox-Plough at the District Headquarters.

“As you receive this Ox-Plough today, make sure you go and put your best in crop growing. Today we are giving you Ox-Plough, next time there will be hand tractor and then tractor, said Odongo.

The Resident District Commissioner Apac set 8 guidelines for PDM implementation at the District

Since the launch of PDM funds disbursement on 30th June, 2023 Officiated over by the Minister of Gender Labour & Social Development, Hon. Betty Amongi, Apac was the only District in Lango Sub Region with the highest number of PDM beneficiaries out of the 9 Districts of Apac, Kwania, Kole, Oyam. Dokolo, Lira, Amolatar, Alebtong and Otuke.

During the launch, RDC Mr. George Abudul the programme is targeting 10,290 Households in the whole District. Shs3.7 billion had already been disbursed to the 34 SACCOs in the District.
