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Discoveries during the Finance, Planning and Administration monitoring

Apac District Local Council committee of Finance Planning and Administration led by Ms. Jackline Atiti travelled out for the mandatory council monitoring under committee monitoring to check on the Local Revenue mobilization at the Lower Local Government.
During the FY 2023/3034, Apac experienced shortfall in Local Revenue management, it was evidenced by the District not realizing the actual planned local revenue to be collected. This was reported that Local Revenue mobilization is affected by challenges such as bad roads, poor attitude towards revenue collection by some business men, little knowledge on the new Integrated Revenue Administrative System (IRAS) by some Parish Chiefs/Town Agents, and issues on Fish and Animal movement permits.
Members visited Kiga landing site in Apoi Sub County, Kayei Landing site in Akokoro Town Council, Akokoro Sub County & Town Council Headquarters, Ibuje Sub County and Town Council Headquarters.
Atiti Jackline who represented the Committee Chairperson appreciated the communities at Kiga and Kayei landing sites for the efforts being made to carry on with business. She informed them about the importance of collecting revenue to District & Sub County.
She encouraged the community to always support revenue mobilization because it help in funding services rendered by the Lower Local Government and District most especially when disaster hits a particular area and it is at a time when the budget has been approved, authorities can look in to Local Revenue to handle what is at stake.
Chairperson Fisheries Protection Unit (FPU), James Tia and other fishermen appreciated the Committee for visiting the Landing site and they were hopeful that some of their problems might be solved.
They asked the committee to inform the District Council that the road from Cuk Obang to Kiga has two swamps which requires the District work on so that the business bounce back to normal.
The committee also discovered the challenge of sanitation at Kiga and Kayei Landing sites as the toilets are getting full, stool for laying fish at the markets, containers for fish preservation at Kiga has broken and Kayei has been swallowed by water which requires construction and installation.
Concern on arrest by soldiers was also raised because some fishermen who are searching for nets flown away by floating vegetation, theft of fishing nets and fish and high cost of bailing the arrested fishermen and fishing gears.
The committee encouraged the Communities to continue with businesses as they forward their concern to the District Council and wait for way forward.